Tuesday, March 22, 2011

"Annabel Lee" and "Eldorado" by Edgar Allen Poe

These two poems are amazing in their significance. The end meaning of these poems is beautiful and is amazing.

"Annabel Lee" is a love poem. It speaks about two children who love each other; this would be the narrator and Annabel Lee. They have a love so strong that the narrator believes the angels envy them. There comes a very cold wind that kills Annabel Lee and the narrator believes that this is the angels' way of trying to break their bond. However, their love is much stronger than this. Each day the narrator sit and lies by the side of Annabel Lee's tomb and stays with her. He dreams of her when he sees the moon and although he does not see the stars he sees her eyes in the night sky. He feels her and still loves her while lying next to her tomb. I feel that the authors intent in this poem is to show how strong a love can be. The author is representing the bond two people that truly love each other have and how it can not be easily broken. When I read this poem my reaction was happiness and awe of how amazing Edgar Allen Poe's writings are. This poem makes me feel the love between the narrator and Annabel Lee and makes me hope that their love stays strong even though it is a poem. This truly touches the reader.

"Eldorado" is a story of a Knight on an adventure. The Knight is happy and singing songs in the beginning of the poem. He is happy because he is on an adventure searching for the city of el dorado which is made of gold. The Knight begins to get older and is still in search of El Dorado but does not find it. He then passes away and his soul asks a shadow to point him in the direction of El Dorado. The shadow tells him to keep riding on and searching for El Dorado. At first after reading this many would say there is no point to the poem, however once reread you can understand the true meaning. The Knight may never find El Dorado but his joy is not in finding it because he has not found it, but his joy is in searching for it. Happiness may not come from actual riches, but happiness comes from striving for the riches of life and that is what I believe the authors intent in writing this poem is, to show people the meaning of happiness. When I read this story my reaction at first was of confusion, but I later understood the story and loved the meaning. The story made me feel happy and made me feel as if I have learned something new from reading it.